• Adult & Teen ADHD

    ADHD affects about 1 in 11 school-age children, and in many of these cases, the condition continues into adulthood. ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is more than just not being able to focus in class or at work. It can involve a combination of symptoms including, but not limited to:

    • extreme restlessness
    • lack of focus
    • mood swings
    • forgetfulness
    • difficulties with organization
    • excessive talking
    • difficulty waiting
    • frequently losing things

     Without proper treatment, ADHD in teens and adults can lead to:

    • depression
    • mood disorders
    • relationship problems
    • chronic feelings of frustration, guilt, or blame

    If you or a loved one are dealing with ADHD, there is help and hope for the future.

  • ADHD Assessment

    I offer ADHD assessments as well as personalized programs of counseling, symptom management, and education to help you function and be successful. Schedule an appointment with me for an ADHD assessment and personalized treatment plan.